No one wants to talk about money. Yet, money is the silent killer in many marriages. Don’t let the sun go down when you’re in a financial pinch. Know the worth of your cents.
This is THE conversation you were waiting to have, right?!? Every couple longs to talk about money. NOT!!!
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But the reality is money does play an important part in our lives. We need it to live and provide for our family.
However, most don’t talk much about money after they are married, until it comes to a separation or a divorce.
There is no reason why couples should stay clear of money conversations. In fact, if we had more of them, maybe there would be less stress in the household.
It was interesting, I can across an article that was talking about money, and the question was asked to both spouses, “How much money do you have?”
The husband exaggerated the amount by about 5-10% higher in income and total wealth than what the female reported.
You might chuckle at this, but you wonder why there are so many issues tied up in money.
And the crazy thing is, most say that if they could have 25% more money, their money problems would be solved. Yet, the more money you have, the more you spend. So the problem persists.
That’s not good for any relationship, especially marriages.
So you’ve gotta know the worth of your cents, and establish your financial priorities.
The K.I.S.S. ~ Establish your financial priorities!
This is the time when you can build a budget for the season that you are in. And know that you can update it ANYTIME!!
Don’t assume that your budget will always be the same. Update it yearly, or as circumstances arise.
- What do you need now? Let’s get real. In order for your household to operate, what are your necessities, your non-negotiables? Food, shelter, insurance, clothing, and transportation. The key is focusing on the needs, not the wants.
- What can you give up? There are a lot of things we pay for that we really don’t need. And during a period of financial stress, this is a great time to pair down.
- What are your immediate financial goals? You and your spouse need to come up with your goals regarding money. If you are dipping in your savings, how much are you allotted to withdraw? If you’re paying back in this season, how much are you doing every month/paycheck? Decide together what works for your financial goals.
Don’t let money shut down your marriage!
CHALLENGE: Have a conversation as to what your goals are for the next 6-12 months. Then, create your now by designing the plan.
“Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!“
#RelationshipBuilders #CreateYourNow #LoveAndMarriage
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Cover Art by Jenny Hamson
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on
Music by Mandisa – Overcomer
Song ID: 68209
Song Title: Overcomer
Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music –
Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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