Have you taken the time to declutter your marriage? Believe it or not, spouses carry baggage to the altar and after, and never deal with it. What baggage is in your bedroom?
No one wants to admit it, but we all have skeletons in the closet. Some you may have shared with your spouse prior to marriage. Others may be after marriage. Yet, what about the ones that are still hiding?
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The baggage you have in your bedroom clutters your love for your spouse. It holds a piece of your heart hostage that doesn’t allow healing, forgiveness, grace, and love to grow.
The baggage that you carry is like mold. Until you suffocate what’s feeding it, the mold still grows.
And that means your heart and marriage is still suffering unnecessarily.
Now, I’m not here to say that all baggage is easy to get rid of. In fact, it might take some years to go through the mess and heal from the damage.
But the process is so vital to having a healthy marriage. If you can’t share your whole life with your partner, then what part of your life are you sharing? And is it real?
Marriage takes two people to come together to be one with each other. If you have baggage that keeps stacking up, then how will you ever overcome stuff that’s smothering the love out of your marriage?
Do you want to have a marriage with little to less baggage?
Don’t continue to donate your baggage, destroy it.
The K.I.S.S. ~ Don’t donate, destroy the baggage!
A lot of us hold on to what we think can help us in the long run, but in actuality, it does more harm than good.
Don’t donate your hurt or misfortunes. Don’t pass along your frustrations and anger. Destroy what is killing you from the inside out by getting rid of the baggage that holds your heart and letting yourself breathe freedom not from what you do, but what God can do in and through you.
Your bedroom is a sanctuary for your marriage, not a storage house for your past burdens.
Please understand that this work in destroying your baggage is not about tossing it into the trash. More so, it’s about the psychological, spiritual, and emotional work which needs to be accomplished.
- Make space to grieve your loss. Whatever you have in your baggage has something that you want to hold onto, yet you know it’s bad if you do. However, you’re willing to take that chance, because it hurt too much way back when. So give yourself room, that space you need to take in what happened. You are looking at your life through a different lens. “Be ready to give up the past so you can enjoy the present and prepare better for tomorrow.” ~ Kristianne Wargo This is your time to process.
- Forgive and don’t judge. You can own your past and what happened. At the same time, you can love yourself for the lessons learned. Life is precious. Marriage is sacred. So don’t keep adding to your baggage. Let go of what is no longer yours to keep. Hold on to the lessons learned. And give yourself permission to love deeper.
- Celebrate with a bang. If you’ve made the commitment to destroy your baggage and declutter the bedroom, then you deserve to celebrate one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make. And that celebration may be personal and private. It could be with someone very close to you, a confidant. It could be your spouse even. You need to celebrate how far you’ve come from where you started with the baggage you carried.
You, my friend, are free from the baggage. You don’t have to lug all the bags all around. Let Santa Claus be the only one who does. And that’s a happy bag.
But seriously, letting go of what is no longer serving you and your heart is the best thing you can do for your spouse and your marriage.
CHALLENGE: What baggage do you have that you need to let go of? What do you need in order to process this for yourself? What is the first step for you in decluttering the baggage in your bedroom?
Be protective not of what has happened to you, but who is for you.
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@Kristianne Wargo
Cover Art by Jenny Hamson
Photo by Canva.com
Music by Mandisa – Overcomer
Song ID: 68209
Song Title: Overcomer
Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music –
Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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