How overstimulated or anxious is your child? If our younger generations do not learn the power of reset, they will never be able to operate at their optimum level. Stress and anxiety will lead their way.
Summertime is challenging for many parents, and the family as a whole. A lot of the time, it comes from kids saying they are bored.
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But are they really bored?
Our younger generations are so overwhelmed and programmed to NEED hyperstimulation. If there is no “ding” or “whistle” from some app, they just can’t move forward in the moment.
Have you seriously observed how your child communicates?
I’m talking Millennials to Gen Z.
If their phone is not in their hands, they will fidget with something else. And no, don’t blame it on ADD/ADHD.
Our younger generations seek constant stimulation.
How many book readers do you have? And if you do have any, celebrate ’em.
It’s shocking and scary all at the same time. But then you move into “downtime” like the summer, and the kiddos are freaking out because they don’t know what to do with their time. There cannot be any lull in their day. Otherwise, why exist?
It was interesting. I did a Google search on the power of reset, and this definition popped up.
A power-on reset (PoR) is a circuit that provides a predictable, regulated voltage to a microprocessor or microcontroller with the initial application of power. The PoR system ensures that the microprocessor or microcontroller will start in the same condition every time that it is powered up. (
Our children want to power up every day without losing time, even while sleeping. Their brains are so on fire, they cannot slow down fast enough.
They are constantly searching for stimulation with little to no regulation.
But that’s not serving our kids, slowly depleting their true energy within their mind, body, and spirit.
For some, it has literal physical consequences on their health. Plus, the emotional toll it puts on the psyche.
Who are you raising? What type of child do you have hanging out this summer?
If you want to work against the norm, you’ve gotta create a BLiP on your radar.
The K.I.S.S. ~ Create a BLiP on your parenting radar!
This simply means staying in the game of their lives and being ready to take A.I.M. when needed. As parents, it’s your responsibility to be involved in their lives. Don’t be a stranger, or you may have more danger.
Raising kids is tough. You have to always be on your game, or they will find a work-around when it comes to rules and responsibilities.
- BUILD a hedge of protection. This is where you create a haven of peace in your home; an open-door policy so your child always feels safe with you no matter the situation or consequences that could result. Always be available even when exhausted or frustrated.
- LISTEN more than you speak. You don’t know what you don’t know. “You have to inquire to inspire.” ~ Kristianne Wargo Don’t get caught up in the tension of stimulation. Refrain from what you know to be true and ask questions that guide your children to the answer.
- INTEGRATE what you want to sustain your child’s heart. This is going beyond the “stuff” of life and looking at the heartbeat of life; the values, and the well-being of your child. You don’t get values from a television or apple watch or phone or YouTube or gaming. You get it from personal interaction. You don’t know your children if you don’t integrate into their day.
- PARTICIPATE in your child’s every day. You’ve got to know what’s happening in your child’s life, especially if they live with you. Be observant. Be watchful of any changes out of the norm.
The power of reset comes from knowing how to do it and making a way to do it.
Slow down in order to speed up. Find a different way to engage throughout the day. Do activities that enhance the mind, body, and spirit the way it was built. Hands-on and creative activities are great.
Who wants to remember life through a screen?
The power of reset starts with you. Don’t tell your child what you’re doing. Just do it!
The power of reset affords your child the opportunity to disrupt their norm and embrace the day’s race.
“Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!“
#ConfessionsOfAnUpsetMama #CreateYourNow #TodaysParent
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“One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!”
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Cover Art by Jenny Hamson
Photo by
Music by Mandisa – Overcomer
Song ID: 68209
Song Title: Overcomer
Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music –
Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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