In doing life with your spouse, it’s sometimes hard to see where life is taking you. From this day forward, don’t derail your marriage because you don’t have direction. Walk together, hand in hand.
Life can dish out a ton of C.R.A.P.! And how unfair is it for your to blame your spouse? Sometimes, life just happens.
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But we can’t allow our relationships to become strangled by the stuff we can’t control.
Your marriage is meant to last a lifetime. However, that comes with diligent effort and determination.
Hiding behind what you can’t control is taking the easy way out.
And this happens because life happens. There isn’t any rhyme or reason for you to be at each other. But you do need to support each other. Walk together, hand in hand.
The K.I.S.S. ~ Walk together, hand in hand!
I am simply amazed by how little we as spouses don’t pay attention to the little things. But we are so great at making all the little things bigger.
How does that even make sense in a marriage?
It doesn’t. But what does make sense is seeing what you know and then diverting as needed.
Frustrations and anger can build up over time when you don’t have direction in life. You are wandering around with no goal or direction.
You just decide to take the easy road even if that means your marriage will eventually be dissolved.
But how does that serve what you desire from your marriage? Absolutely nothing!
You have got to be willing not to throw in the towel just because it gets hot in the sauna of life.
From this day forward, walk together, hand in hand.
- Understand your season. Life can get a little hectic. So recognize the struggles or troubles that are holding you back. Once you have a handle on what’s happening, you can then construct a plan of direction.
- Support beyond what you know. This comes from trusting your spouse. Now, yes, your spouse needs to earn that trust. But you need to be forthcoming on what you don’t know and be willing to support beyond what you know. This requires us to humble ourselves. We can’t be selfish partners in life.
- Let go of the past. If you want to move your marriage in a forward direction (because you can only go forward or backward; there’s no in-between), you must be intentional about seeing your past as lessons learned and then graciously look at the present so you can get excited about the future.
CHALLENGE: Where do you need to move forward in your marriage? Where’s the hang-up?
CAUTION: Be careful with how you handle the heart of your spouse. Gentleness goes a long way.
CELEBRATE: As you walk together, hand in hand, be grateful for where you started to where you are now. See that progression and celebrate the opportunities that have allowed you to grow closer together even though there were many instances of forced separation; just not agreeing or being on the same page. Different perceptions.
With only a few months left in the year, make your marriage a priority. You both deserve to feel loved and be seen for who you are becoming.
“Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!“
#RelationshipBuilders #CreateYourNow #LoveAndMarriage
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“One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!”
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Cover Art by Jenny Hamson
Photo by
Music by Mandisa – Overcomer
Song ID: 68209
Song Title: Overcomer
Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music –
Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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