“Your body holds deep wisdom. Trust in it. Learn from it. Nourish it. Watch your life transform and be healthy.” ~ Bella Bleue
Sometimes the most simple answer is not the answer we want to hear. We want the results with little to no work.
Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT
But what you and I want is not necessarily what we get.
At some point, reality kicks in. What didn’t work is noted, and what’s possible is now considered.
Do you want to live a vibrant, healthy life?
You’ve gotta stop and smell the roses.
The K.I.S.S. ~ Stop and smell the roses!
Busyness is a trap that holds you hostage from living your best life. But who wants to settle? You can have it all within the season that your in. However, that translates to slowing down in order to speed up.
Stop and smell the roses.
- TRUST in your body. If you slow down to listen to your body, it will tell you how it’s doing. Aching joints don’t always mean that you did too much work. It might be a reaction to the foods you ate the previous day.
- LEARN from your body. As your body responds to the environment and landscape of your every day, you can maneuver what works and change what does not work. Think about tweaking, not twerking.
- NOURISH your body. You are what you eat. Period. End of story. Whether you want to admit it or not, if you eat crap, your body is going to feel like crap.
You get to decide how you want to feel. You get to show up with how you want to live your every day. You get to engage in activities that support your goals short- and long-term.
“Train for life. Love your journey!” ~ Kristianne Wargo
“Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!“
#WellnessWednesday #CreateYourNow #HealthAndWellness
TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation – This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.
Live. Love. IMPACT!
“One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!”
Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.
Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don’t know what you need)? It’s time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life’s purpose.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!
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Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com
@Kristianne Wargo
Cover Art by Jenny Hamson
Photo by Canva.com
Music by Mandisa – Overcomer
Song ID: 68209
Song Title: Overcomer
Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music –
Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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