Have you ever been picked on, bullied by someone who doesn’t like you and just enjoys being the big bully? Unfortunately, this happens all to often not just with your children, but with you too.
Being bullied by calling you names, spreading rumors that aren’t true, or picking on your looks may have occurred in school when you were much younger, but the damage is still there. In fact, you may have even had some of your adult friends cause havoc in your life by talking behind your back, saying hurtful comments or complaining just to complain because they can.
As the years have gone on, it’s not just the “person” who is the bully. The BIG bully is the self doubt within you.
Self doubt! Yikes!
The self doubt that holds you in your comfort zone keeping your confidence at critical mass with no hope to overcome it.
But wait. You’re an OVERCOMER!
You must forgive your bullies too. Read more here. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kristianne-wargo/forgiveness-the-unspoken-gift_b_9161806.html
You can get rid of the BIG bully once and for all. Are you ready for the fight?
The K.I.S.S. ~ Punch holes in the darkness with starlights of success!
- Build your success bank by starting with the starlights…the LITTLE things.
- Be consistent with the LITTLE things increasing your deposits in your success bank.
- Continue to punch holes in the darkness. (Rinse and Repeat)
You have no reason to fear self doubt. Begin punching the holes in the darkness (that self doubt) and let your light shine…YOU!!!
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