Can I really do this? Can I really take our 5 children and leave. You taught my feet to dance!
Erica Marie Foster: A single mother of 5 children who sees motherhood as a ministry. Even though she faced many obstacles she never dreamt would be a part of her life, she learned to follow His lead.
Purchase the Book: You Taught My Feet to Dance
Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed. Lots of golden nuggets throughout this coffee chat. Sit back and soak in Erica’s inner beauty that shines bright!
DOWNLOAD: Favorite Verses & Quotes
- Motherhood
- The legacy of marriage
- Love of family
- Dysfunctional living
- Abuse within a marriage
- Faith
- Insecurity
- Grief
- Loss of a father
- Surviving beyond the pain
- Blaming God – Why me?
- The “Cave”
- A good, good Father
- A cry out
- Perfect love
- Daily choices
- High career in the nation
- The grocery store meltdown
- Hope
- Compassion vs. Sympathy
- Grace
- What can I do to help you?
- Embrace my “singleness”
- Dance upon my disappointments
Quotes and statements within the interview:
“You are an overcomer by the blood of Christ.”
Psalm 68:5 “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.”
“My dad was a true patriarch for our family.”
“Tell them mommy that God is my Daddy!“
Isaiah 54 “My Maker is my husband.”
Blessed is sorrow for it reveals God’s comfort.
“I had to make daily choices. I’m not going to numb this with things, but face it and do the hard thing. His word became alive to me. And comforted me. And it is better than any drug you could ever take because it’s a fulfillment that never goes away.”
“Graciously kissed by Jesus with His amazing love and forgivenss and caused me to wake up from the hopelessness and despair.”
“Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?” by Leonard Ravenhill
My greatest desire is to help single mothers.
Compassion is walking beside them. Sympathy is saying “I’m glad I am not in their shoes.”
“You turned my mourning into dancing.” ~ Psalm 30:11
What has your story gifted you?
“God is my next breath. There are days that I feel like I can’t make it. You want the reassurance, a daily trusting. I feel His presence.”
Embrace where you are and allow God to comfort you. Allow Him to turn your mourning and despair into dancing.
“You are an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and your testimony.”
I became a better version of myself.
Resources mentioned in the episode:
- Purchase the Book: You Taught My Feet to Dance
- Erica Foster’s Website
- DOWNLOAD: Favorite Verses & Quotes
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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!
Music by Mandisa – Overcomer
Cover Art by Jenny Hamson
Kristianne; Thank you for this interview. Asking about the “red flags” is very victim blaming. It makes her look like she was part of the problem. All the victim does is try to make things right. I hope that you will learn a little more about domestic violence for future interviews. Abusers do not show “red flags”. They are very good at what they do. Thank you Erica for sharing your story.
Hi Nancy! I appreciate your concern. Asking those tough questions are not easy. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not understand domestic violence. I pray that more people will take time to understand domestic violence and what we can do about it. Thank you for listening!
You are an amazing woman and incredible role model. You’re will rise up and call you blessed.
I meant you’re children will rise up…