My Strength is My Story with Michele Cushatt, I Am. She’s a successful speaker and author of Undone and her brand new book I Am: A 60 Day Journey to Knowing Who You are Because of Who He Is. She has an empathetic heart for those in tough places as she’s battled cancer three times! “From the moment a woman wakes until she falls, exhausted, onto her pillow, one question plagues her at every turn: Am I enough?”
Michele Cushatt: A devoted wife to Troy of 16 years, and a mother of 6 children; Michele keeps active with as a successful speaker and author who shares the bold and beautiful truth in the crossroads of REAL faith and REAL life. She speaks at Women of Faith conferences, Compassion International, Focus on the Family, and Hearts at Home.
You may recognize her voice as the co-host to two very popular podcasts: This Is Your Life with Michael Hyatt, and Communicator Academy with Kathi Lipp.
BOOK: I Am, A 60-Day Journey to Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is
“For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” ~ Jesus (Luke 9:24)
Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed with real blunt honesty. You’ll discover many gems of wisdom throughout this coffee chat. Sit back and let your heart hear the whispers from God in Michele’s story!
- Entrepreneur
- Faith at a young age
- Good woman, Good person
- God owed me!
- Divorce
- Preconceived notions of Faith
- Pain
- Blinders
- Eyes to see
- Single motherhood
- Friendship over common stories
- Blended Family
- The BIG “C”
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Cancer of the Tongue)
- What is God doing for you?
- Fear
- 1-2-3 strikes you’re out!
- Surgery
- Half Marathon
- Cancer return
- Chemotherapy and Radiation
- Death
- Identity
- Confidence
- Security
- Self-sufficiency
- Control
- Change
- First-born Type A personality
- Grueling and Painful Discovery
- Welcome Mat of Suffering
- Pain, suffering, and loss
- Scanning the Bible
- Roots
- False Security
- I am SEEN
- Teacher crush
- Insecurity
- Reassurance
- Work-based Faith
- Control
- Psalm 91
- Grief
- Feelings
- On the Cross
- Truth trumps Lies
- Daddy’s Love
- 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman
- Comforting Truth
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- No magic powers
- “Me Time”
- Non-negotiables
BOOK: I Am, A 60-Day Journey to Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is
Quotes and statements within the interview:
“He equally drive me crazy and delights me every single day!”
“The secret to peace is finding eyes to see.”
“We don’t like anything that makes us uncomfortable.””
“Seeing the world as a whole from God’s advantage point.”
“I felt like a steak on a vegetarian’s table!“
“He has rebuilt my faith to a place that I believe very confidently in Him.”
“I didn’t lose my faith, I just didn’t understand the WHY.”
“The fear is a BEAST!”
“The woman I used to be was gone.”
“… trying to come back to life and discover who I am.”
“Basically, this whole book became like a very big and painful mirror to look into.”
“I was far more secure in myself and in my ability to work hard and make things happen.”
“Where does my security and identity come from?”
“A security I create isn’t security at all.”
“Once everything has been stripped from your hands, your hands are finally free to hang on to what really matters most.”
“If you can lose it, it’s not who you are.”
“I was such an awkward grade schooler.”
“I will never out grow God’s classroom.”
“We equate the presence of pain with the absence of God.”
“Jesus’ pain on the cross is a promise of God’s presence with us.”
“My Dad literally finally found himself in Christ.”
“Every day is just gravy.”
What would you say to those hanging on by a thread, as if on life support?
- Read ONE TRUTH every day.
- Soak it up with all you have.
Michele’s “ME TIME” Daily Routine
- Wake up early at 5:30 for quiet time
- Exercise
- Ready the family for the day, including the children off to school
- Work and Nap from 9:00am to 4:00pm
- Fully present for family during the evening
What has your story gifted you?
- “The story God has given me is the best gift He’s ever given me.”
- “He has used my story to rebuild my faith and to make it far more unshakeable than it used to be.
- Establish confidence in the gospel.
- Awareness of His presence.
- All of the gifts came at the cost of suffering.
Resources mentioned in the episode:
- Connect with Michele Cushatt;
- NEW BOOK – I Am, A 60-Day Journey to Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is
- Facebook:
- BOOK: Undone
- Communicator Academy with Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt
- This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt
- Twitter:
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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!
Music by Mandisa – Overcomer
Cover Art by Jenny Hamson
Michelle, I heard you for my first time at the radio and program Focus on the Family South Africa . Your powerful testimony intrigued and fascinated me. I faced and did an operation 3 times your memory came into my mind. I asked myself who am I? Your ministry shares same values as what I do. I’m a cofounder with Jesus In His Image Ministry. Which deals with Inner healing, Identity, your purpose in life and your destiny. You will never know who you are without encountering and experiencing Him. The day I heard the doctor’s report shook me until I had to face this and see it with God’s eye. Thank you for sharing your testimony and the book you wrote I AM, you encourage millions of people like me too. God bless
Polela, I am so glad your heart was touched by Michele’s testimony. Your ministry, Jesus In His Image, sounds beautiful. Thank you for the work you are doing, being the hands and feet of Jesus! Many blessings and much love! God bless you!